Sunday, May 13, 2018

Year's Reflection

My year In Grade 5: Grade 5 was an amazing year and i'm sure that my classmates will definitely agree. In this reflection I will talk about some of my goals and my experience with these subjects. Hopefully by reading this reflection it will inspire or entertain you.
1. How have your habits changed over the last year?
2. What improvements have you made in  math and reading over the past year?
3.What goals did you put in the start of the year and where are you know?

Answers:1. Yes I have become very mature. I have learned to control my laughs even though the joke is very funny
2. I have seen major improvement in math and reading. I have improved over 2 levels in reading and in math I got a improvement of 21 points.
3. I have definitely improved in my goals from the beginning of the year to the end and I can show you that in my PortfolioEvidence: I can show you my test scores and map test scores and you will see how much l have improved.

Reading: When I started out I was level R and S and I was like any average reader. I did not like reading that much. In fact, I hated it. I am pretty sure the reason why I did not like reading is because I did not have the right books to read. Somewhere in between the beginning of the year and middle of the year, I found a series of books called Warriors. I loved these book and I realized that if you have the right book you will have the right amount of fun. In less than 2 months I had finished all the Warrior books that I could find in the library. I started reading other big fantasy series or a single fantasy book until I started reading percy jackson. I love it as much as warriors and I have a few books in mind that I will read in middle school I am very excited to continue my reading journey. I think the best thing I can do know is to focus on my jots.

Writing: Writing is one of the worst things of the day for me because I hate it so much. Sitting there listening to my teacher for 15 minutes then write for an hour doesn't appeal to me. Honestly I think I will never enjoy writing. The only good thing for me is when we finish our writing and be jolly and proud of how amazing our work is but little did we know there was going to be another month to wait for that happiness. My favorite unit was the Journalism unit, the one we are doing currently because I really am into news. I think I have got way better in writing because of Ms. Kasal teaching me all these little things that add up to make a big difference. I think that I should start working on spending my time wisely and more efficiently.

Math: In the beginning of the year I had an average score of 225. When I continued throughout the year there was an advance math group. I was kind of jealous because I was not selected, so I worked very hard to make sure I got in and before I knew it Ms. Kasal told me I would be joining them. I was so excited, After a month another advanced math group happened, it was called Math Olympiad and I also got invited. It continued until Math Olympiad was over and I joined this special group which kind of was like math Olympiad but with less people. Map tests were around the corner and I was very excited for the math one because I thought I had improved a lot. When I finished I got 246 and that means I improved by 21 points. I also got third in the class and top ten in the whole grade. I am very Happy and I really do love Math. My goal is to get at least 250 in math next  year.

Science: Science is one of my favorite subjects because we get to do many experiments. I learned I lot from Science and it taught me some important lessons. Firstly I think everybody loved the landforms unit even though it was the most stressful unit. I learned a lot of important things like erosion and weathering and so on. The most Important thing I learned from the unit was perseverance. When my group members inhaled the sand accidentally from an experiment I had to work hard to finish the experiment.
Social Studies: Social studies is a subject that I don't hate but I don't Love either. It has its various ups and downs. For example a good thing for me was when we had to do a slideshow, role play and presentation about why we the opposing side should trade for what currently be the Columbian exchange. In the other hand the bad unit was Technology and we just had to read articles and watch videos and note them.

Core Values: To be Honest the core values didn't help me that much. Only a few out of the 7 core values were a help. the other didn't do anything to help me. 1 of core values called perseverance, really helped me. It supported my throughout various units and subjects. For example good scores in math and science is because of perseverance.

Most Proud: The proudest thing that has ever happened before is when I worked very hard and finished all the work in fifth grade mathletics. My teacher announced " Pranay has finished all the fifth grade math in mathletics and is now doing sixth grade math." I felt like I had just won the marathon and now I am slowly and steadily trying to finish the sixth grade math. Later on that day I told my parents what I had just done and from that day on. I knew if you really tried hard then you could achieve almost anything.

Most Growth: I think easily the most Improved subject for me was math. I had done things that I couldn't have done for years in an year and it and it was all through perseverance I had never improved more than ten in a 1 year difference but I improved by 21 points in 1 year I got in into special math groups and I got multiple exceeding in my tests. I have never done this good in a subject in my entire life so this was very special. My goal is to do just as good in reading.

Most Enjoyable: The most enjoyable moment was probably when me, Nico, Michel and Ian played around doing random things until we got bored of them or got interested in something else. These 3 people gave me the time of my life an i'm hoping all of them stay in sixth grade. I am very excited for the Luxor trip because I am going to stay in a room with those 3 and then I can play around with them.

Most Challenging: The most challenging thing for me was to sleep for only 8 hours and then stay awake for 16 hours I fixed this problem by sleeping earlier and waking up earlier so thing are bothering me that much. I hope I can fix the problem of being late all the time. My solution is that I should have a family meeting and tell them my ideas. Hopefully I can make this solution

Monday, April 23, 2018

Thesis Statement

Violent movies may seem fun at first but if you continue to watch them your brain will want to be like the people in the movies. Studies have shown violent movies promote violence and increase chances of active shooters! I think that there should be a limit to the violence of a movie.

1. How do violent movies affect your brain?

2. How many movies should a person watch in a month?

3. Why do movie producers create violent movies?

Thursday, April 12, 2018

4 Corners Activity

I like the 4 corner activity very much because we saw many different opinions and there was no right answer so you could never be wrong.I was really surprised in statement 8 when people said they did not agree with the statement because when I go to a table I see many people on their phones but also not always does it affect family's because you could be on the phone talking to another family member who could be a long away from you. Here are the statements- 

-Science has only brought positive benefits to everyone.

-Technology is everywhere in the world

-Boys are better at Science than girls.

-The Internet has made the world smaller

-Animal testing is necessary.

-GMOs are safe.

-Climate change is caused by people.

-Technology has negatively affected close family time.

-Students should not be allowed to use personal digital devices at school.

I think that some of the statements where kind of crazy like number 3, that's not true and it's just stupid. The fact that someone actually agree with the statement made me mad.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Rapid and Slow Process of Erosion

Rapid Process of Erosion: Definition: Fast process of an erosion for example a volcano erupt and bursts out magma which turns to a igneous rock then a sediment then it becomes a sediment rock and then it becomes a metamorphic rock and the cycle repeats.

Example: Volcano

1.The area for the danger zone for a volcano is is usually 20 miles

2. A volcanic eruption can cause other natural disasters to happen

3.There are more than 500 volcanoes in the ring of fire

Slow Process of Erosion: Definition: A slow process of erosion for example weathering takes a long time to erode so it's a slow process.

Example: Weathering

1.Weathering only takes a few days.

2.Weathering is when ice or water gets into a crack of a rock and completely splits it.

3.Plants attack the cracks of the rocks.

Mechanical and Chemical Erosion

Mechanical: When other physical objects grind a rock or a solid particle

1. When waves hit sea rocks grind part of the rock away

2. When floods happen the water from the flood eroded the land.

Chemical: When a chemical interferes with a solid and disolves it.

1.The rusting of a metal.

2. When Acid touches limestone the limestone will melt.

Final Reflection on Land Forms

The Landform unit has come to an end I really enjoyed it. I liked the experiments a lot and the Wadi Degla field trip. Sure it was a drag writing 14 posts but at least you learned a lot of new things.
Something that might surprise you is that I never knew what Erosion was before. Now I know different kinds of erosion, here are few. Water erosion, sand erosion and chemical erosion. I also learned a lot of new vocabulary words that I didn't know before. I will explain the 3 things I found most fun. The experiments, The field trip and us writing the blogs about this unit.

Firstly, the experiments. I found the experiments really hard because we only had an hour to them and when we did the experiments the notes where very hard to write because we had a ten second gap. While the person was saying the note, time was passing and the notetaker has 10 seconds to write it. Imagine that for a few minutes. The wind experiment I had to do it mostly alone because my science partners accidentally inhaled the sand. I also had a lot of tension because I was short on time and it was our teachers birthday that day so we had to do a surprise. Overall I think I met the expectations with the experiments.

Secondly, is the Wadi field trip. This is probably my favorite field trip and experience because we got to go on a huge hike, wave at random people and see Acid dropped in limestone. Now I know people are going to say, “OMG Pranay how could you think the trip was awesome. It was hot, it was tiring and it was sweaty. If I could think of 1 word to describe it was horrible!” Well those people who are going to say that i’m gonna say, it was  amazing because this probably like a once in a lifetime thing for many of us and we should be thankful that we got to go here.

And Finally, The way I wrote all of my posts. Now These were very hard for me since I was very busy during this unit so I got to work on it almost only in school. We all had to write 14 posts and it was very hard but all of us persevered and we completed the blog. I really am excited for the next unit. I really enjoyed this unit and this will definitely be 1 of my favorites.

Cool Careers

A bioligist is a person who studies different species of plants and animals. They look at body parts and what features of that species. They are important because they discover and study new things about already known or unkown species. A bioligist helps us understand plants and animals.

A geoligist is a person who studies rocks, minerals and other things about the Earth. A geoligist helps us understand things about rocks that we might have not known before and help us understand these things better. A geologist also studies things such as gems, crystals, and metals to further understand their properties.

Oceanography is the study of oceans or large bodies of water such as seas. lakes, rivers, etc.. Oceanography is a very important study because we will learn about marine life and possible threat the ocean might pose to us. We can discover new species or learn about already known species because of  oceanography.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Wadi Field Trip

It was hotter than ever with the UV rays shining in our eyes. Sweat running like tears, we were all exhausted. It was worse for me to carry a 10kg bag, a water bottle and a notebook.
Dr. Bill told us a lot of info but before we talk about that I will tell you about our walk. It was very fun the first few minutes but after that it got boring. It took us about 5  minutes to get us out of the sight of the gate. I got a bit worried that we would get lost but after a while I lost that sensation. I saw a lot of plastic bags wondering how they got their.
I saw many possible snake holes but all of them did not of snakes in them. I was slowly trailing toward the back with my friends. There was a bus behind us and I didn't know why. I drank my lemonade as we reached the destination.

 I sat down as Dr.Bill started talking. We learned a lot of fascinating information and then we got to explore. It wasn't really that interesting but what was more interesting was the hike we did. Mr. O lead it and it was really fun. 1 of my classmates fell and cracked his phone. I was really lucky that I didn't break my phone while I slipped. After a few minutes the hike was over and we went on our journey back to the gate. When we reached the end we took a group picture and we went back in the bus to school

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Experiment 4: Dam

Question: Will a dam we create stop the water flow

Hypothesis: I think that the dam will work and hold of the water.

Materials:4 cups of water, Bucket with big hole, Ruler, sand, hard sand, clay, Bucket with 3 pipes and small hole at end, wooden wedge, Cubes, Leaves.

Procedure:Put sand and hard sand and clay in the bucket with pipes. Mix the sand and clay.
make sand 20 cm in the length is the side without the hole. Take the wooden wedge and put it under the sand side. Put the ruler under the bucket in the sand side. Make the dam, Pour water

Observation: The dam easily held of the water for 2-3 minutes. The water tried 2 different ways until it finally went under the dam. It shocked me because I never thought of that. Near the end of the experiment the water also went from the sides.

Conclusion: I think the water outsmarted us because we thought that the dam will hold off the water. But instead the water went under the dam and went normal. This was not easy for the water because for 2 -3 minutes the water was blocked off.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Experiment 3: Flood

Question: What happens when the force of water increases

Hypothesis: I think that the process will be faster because the sand is already wet so the water will travel faster. I think that more sand will get carried because there is more pressure in the water.

Materials: 4 cups of water, Bucket with big hole, Ruler, sand, hard sand, clay, Bucket with 3 pipes and small hole at end, wooden wedge.

Procedure: Put sand and hard sand and clay in the bucket with pipes. Mix the sand and clay.
make sand 20 cm in the length is the side without the hole. Take the wooden wedge and put it under the sand side. Put the ruler under the bucket in the sand side. Pour water

Observation: The water reached the end of the stream table very quickly and that was definitly becasue the force of the water had increased because the hole was bigger. But another varible was that the water would then run out more quickly so I wonder if that would affect the out come. The sand was already wet so that might have made it easier for the water for it to travel faster. I think if my group could have redoed this experiment with normal sand that there might have been a diffferent outcome.

Conclusion: I think the reason the water went out fast was because the sand was already wet. It was very suprising to me because the water went different then both of the other experiments. I think that was because there was a big hole in the bucket.

Virtual Reality expierence

I think the Virtual reality was very fun to do. I saw the grand canyon and Victoria falls. I notice that in Victoria falls when the fell it cut of sides of the canyon and created a pool.
In the grand canyon it was different because there was not a water fall so there wasn't much water pressure but the water went very fast probably because it made a slope.
Overall I think it was very fun experience for me and I felt like I was there.


"Don't Raise your voice, improve your argument." Desmond Tutu

I think what this quote means is that in an argument don't raise your voice because it won't help you.
The second part say's "improve your argument." so maybe that means focus on how you can argue with others better. I think overall this means focus on you argument more than you voice.

I think this is a good quote for beginning  politicians or people who argue because when I watch the news I see a lot of people raising their voice and not focusing in the argument.

I wonder if maybe the person who said this quote had made this mistake and wanted other people not to make the same mistake as him.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Experiment 2: Depotition

Question: What happens to land when it gets eroded

Hypothesis: I think it will go separate ways and form a deep valley after it is dried out. I also think it carry a lot of sand with it.

Materials:4 cups of water, Bucket with small hole, Ruler, sand, hard sand, clay, Bucket with 3 pipes and small hole at end, wooden wedge.

Procedure:Put sand and hard sand and clay in the bucket with pipes. Mix the sand and clay.
make sand 20 cm in the length is the side without the hole. Take the wooden wedge and put it under the sand side. Put the ruler under

the bucket in the sand side. Pour water

Observation: When the water first touched the sand it did what it did in the last experiment, it just made a little pool and sat there after 1 minute it traveled to the slope part of the sand and the pathway towards the slope was slowly going down in the ground. after 15 - 30 minutes the water made it become a river and the water travelled through the streams to the bucket. After the water had ran out the river became a canyon which had crack in the side.

Conclusion: This one was almost the same as the first one. We did the same thing so I think that is why it was almost the same as the last one. What was different from this experiment was that the shape and the way of the canyon was different from the first was even tho it was the same experiment with no varibles changed. I wonder if there are a number of patterens for every single varible changed or is it just random every time.

The pictures were in the school laptop and I did not have them.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Experiment One: Water Erosion

Question: What happens to land when water flows over it?

Hypothesis: I think the land under the water will become a river because the land will get pushed down and water will flow in that area.

Materials: 4 cups of water, Bucket with small hole, Ruler, sand, hard sand, clay, Bucket with 3 pipes and small hole at end, wooden wedge.

Procedure: Put sand and hard sand and clay in the bucket with pipes. Mix the sand and clay.
make sand 20 cm in the length is the side without the hole. Take the wooden wedge and put it under the sand side. Put the ruler under the bucket in the sand side. Pour water

Observation:When water was not there the sand was staying in 1 place, when we put water the water carried the sand with it. Also the water created a hole where the water dropped.The water went only 1 way and made the sand flow with it. I think this represented a river and if it dries out it can be a canyon.

Conclusion: My Hypothesis was kind of correct because the land made a river and it made a canyon after it dried out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Essential Questions

I think that all the mountains after a certain time will disappear but new mountains will form so it is a never ending cycle. All the canyons and valleys also make this world look different. Erosion is a big effect on this. There are 4 types of Erosions I learned. Water erosion which make canyons and valleys. Sand erosion which can change the way a mountain looks. Glacier erosion can cut a whole mountain off because it is a big chunk of ice moving. Finally there is chemical erosion which means if there is a crack in a rock in very cold temperatures, it will freeze and crack the whole rock.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Landform vocabulary

Erosion- When materials from the surface are broken by natural forces.

Flood -When water overflows the natural surface.

Weathering - When weather disintegrates a rock or stone.

Deforestation - The destruction of forests by humans.

Earth's plates- pieces of the crust 

Landslides - Rocks falling from a height in a downslope angle.

Glaciers -Big chunks of ice which slowly moves

Erosion -Transportation of materials from the surface.

Rapid process erosion -Fast way of erosion

Slow process erosion-Slow way of erosion

Tsunami -A big wave caused by a shift of tectonic plates

Earthquake -Huge shake of ground.

Debris -Trash from a wreckage or destruction.

Topsoil -The top layer of soil

Sediment - A small piece of rock which was broken by water.

Volcanoes -Mountain which erupt hot fragments and lava

Canyon -Water breaking through rocks creating a canyon.

Plateau -Flat land that is high of ground

Dune -A hill of sand.

Delta -A place where a river can divide into pieces

Valley- A place between a mountain or a hill

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Science Pranay 5K

Hello my name is Pranay Lanka and I am from CAC 5K. I have 1 Brother and 2 Grandmothers and 1 Grandfather. I like Cricket, Basketball and Baseball
My favorite topic in science was the Adaptation because it was very fun and I got to craft many things like a maze and a poster. My favorite thing in science was the hot wheels experiment.
I love to learn about things related to the earth and gravity.

I would probably be a biologist  because I love plants and want to learn more about it.
 Strengths in researching about a topic because I can do it fast and efficient.
I need to work on having a teaching tone because I usually sound like a robot.

Learning science is important because 1 day it might be you your job or if you want to do something that requires science so every body should learn science.
I like conducting experiments because I like to see the result and if my hypothesis is correct or wrong and why.

Overall I love science and I really hope we learn more about science.

Hopefully this gives you a brief introduction about me as a scientist.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jupiter by Pranay lanka

My reflection I found this writing unit very fun and informational for me. As you know my book was about Jupiter and had fun writing to do. I learned a lot of things like how to do lucid press and to do a proper book and glossary. I really enjoyed researching about Jupiter because I learned a lot of new information. If there was something I could change it would probably be the cover page. I did not add it and it looks better with a cover page.