Monday, February 26, 2018

Experiment One: Water Erosion

Question: What happens to land when water flows over it?

Hypothesis: I think the land under the water will become a river because the land will get pushed down and water will flow in that area.

Materials: 4 cups of water, Bucket with small hole, Ruler, sand, hard sand, clay, Bucket with 3 pipes and small hole at end, wooden wedge.

Procedure: Put sand and hard sand and clay in the bucket with pipes. Mix the sand and clay.
make sand 20 cm in the length is the side without the hole. Take the wooden wedge and put it under the sand side. Put the ruler under the bucket in the sand side. Pour water

Observation:When water was not there the sand was staying in 1 place, when we put water the water carried the sand with it. Also the water created a hole where the water dropped.The water went only 1 way and made the sand flow with it. I think this represented a river and if it dries out it can be a canyon.

Conclusion: My Hypothesis was kind of correct because the land made a river and it made a canyon after it dried out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Essential Questions

I think that all the mountains after a certain time will disappear but new mountains will form so it is a never ending cycle. All the canyons and valleys also make this world look different. Erosion is a big effect on this. There are 4 types of Erosions I learned. Water erosion which make canyons and valleys. Sand erosion which can change the way a mountain looks. Glacier erosion can cut a whole mountain off because it is a big chunk of ice moving. Finally there is chemical erosion which means if there is a crack in a rock in very cold temperatures, it will freeze and crack the whole rock.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Landform vocabulary

Erosion- When materials from the surface are broken by natural forces.

Flood -When water overflows the natural surface.

Weathering - When weather disintegrates a rock or stone.

Deforestation - The destruction of forests by humans.

Earth's plates- pieces of the crust 

Landslides - Rocks falling from a height in a downslope angle.

Glaciers -Big chunks of ice which slowly moves

Erosion -Transportation of materials from the surface.

Rapid process erosion -Fast way of erosion

Slow process erosion-Slow way of erosion

Tsunami -A big wave caused by a shift of tectonic plates

Earthquake -Huge shake of ground.

Debris -Trash from a wreckage or destruction.

Topsoil -The top layer of soil

Sediment - A small piece of rock which was broken by water.

Volcanoes -Mountain which erupt hot fragments and lava

Canyon -Water breaking through rocks creating a canyon.

Plateau -Flat land that is high of ground

Dune -A hill of sand.

Delta -A place where a river can divide into pieces

Valley- A place between a mountain or a hill

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Science Pranay 5K

Hello my name is Pranay Lanka and I am from CAC 5K. I have 1 Brother and 2 Grandmothers and 1 Grandfather. I like Cricket, Basketball and Baseball
My favorite topic in science was the Adaptation because it was very fun and I got to craft many things like a maze and a poster. My favorite thing in science was the hot wheels experiment.
I love to learn about things related to the earth and gravity.

I would probably be a biologist  because I love plants and want to learn more about it.
 Strengths in researching about a topic because I can do it fast and efficient.
I need to work on having a teaching tone because I usually sound like a robot.

Learning science is important because 1 day it might be you your job or if you want to do something that requires science so every body should learn science.
I like conducting experiments because I like to see the result and if my hypothesis is correct or wrong and why.

Overall I love science and I really hope we learn more about science.

Hopefully this gives you a brief introduction about me as a scientist.